Friday Reads 10-22-21

Here we are. Friday. And tomorrow is Dewey's Readathon. Last week's Friday Reads was admittedly ambitious, but it was also a failure. I'm STILL reading the same book. And with all the time I spent in doctors' offices this week, you'd think I could have got somewhere, but alas.

But as I said, tomorrow is Dewey's 24-Hour Readathon. I will not be reading for 24 hours. I know few people who can actually pull that off. But I will be reading a lot. I hope. I tend to sleep also. Anyway, let's see what I might read this week.

Down Comes the Night by Allison Saft - Still reading it. I'm past the halfway mark now! I'm really going to push to finish this one.

That Weekend by Kara Thomas - This is now overdue and someone is waiting for it, so I'm going to try to blow through this this weekend also. It's not very big and it's a thriller, so hopefully it does the thing.

Fun Home by Allison Bechdel - This is the book the library staff book club is doing now. I am a facilitator for the book club again, so I will need to read the first three chapters. It's a graphic novel, so it doesn't take long.

The Obsession by Jesse Q. Sutanto - This one is short-ish and thriller-y so I think I can get through it. Fingers Crossed.

I'm sad that I didn't get to many books on my TBR. I feel like I've read as often as I can. But there are days when I get zero reading done. On Wednesday this week, I went out to dinner with my son, then took a shower and poof! it's time to go to bed. I don't want to read in bed because then I train my brain to fall asleep when I read. On Thursdays I get up, go to my appointment, then go to work until 9 pm. By the time I get home and eat dinner, it's 10:00.

I could listen to audiobooks in the car, but I don't want to. When I'm driving, I want to listen to podcasts. I have listened while I color. I plan to start cross-stitching again if I ever have spare time. I could listen then.

I may be working this Sunday which would kill any reading time I might have that day. One of my coworkers is currently stranded in Puerto Rico because of flight cancelations. She's supposed to be able to work Sunday, but if she gets grounded again, I'll have to fill in.

Anyway, that's my list. I'm excited about Dewey's Readathon. I would like to aim for 6 hours read. We'll see what happens.