Friday Reads 11/26/21

So okay, this is the last Friday in November, so it's time to re-evaluate my TBR for the month and see what's left. I've read most things on that list, except for 3. I started Bad Witch Burning and hated it so much I couldn't continue, so that's out. I'm still waiting for the library to get their act together on A Lesson in Vengeance. I refuse to buy it, so I will just have to wait. The third one is All These Bodies which I am currently half way through.

So here's what I'll be working on to finish out November.

All These Bodies by Kendare Blake - I'm halfway through this. It might be a vampire book, but so far the vampire has not shown up on the page. And the one person that knows him hasn't called him a vampire. So far there's only been one scary scene. But I believe there could be more coming up. I'm hoping to wrap this one up tomorrow.

XOXO by Axie Oh - This is the YA romance I'm hoping reads super fast so I can blow through it. Best case scenario, I get through most of it on Sunday and finish it up Monday evening.

The Power of Style: How Fashion and Beauty Are Being Used to Reclaim Cultures by Christian Allaire - This one is getting rave reviews from my co-readers for the award. It's only 100 pages, and I believe there are a lot of pictures, so I am crossing all my fingers and toes that I can get this done Tuesday and have my plate all cleared for December's TBR.

Three books. Well, two and a half. But I only have until Tuesday. By the way, stay tuned on Monday for my December TBR. Only 2 months left to read for the award. I'm getting excited to get back to reading what's on my shelves and doing my TBR Game to make a TBR. I may or may not already be making plans for reading goals for 2022.