Bookish Memories

Top Ten Tuesday

Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is Bookish Memories. I don't know if I can conjure up 10 memories, but I do have a few.

I don't remember a ton of the books I read as a little kid, but I do remember this one. I remember how proud I was when I finally read all the stories. I didn't understand the concept of reading a story and then coming back and reading the next one. So I ended up reading the first story over and over again until I read the whole thing I one sitting.

My third grade teacher started reading Jane Eyre to us and I fell in love. For my 10th birthday, my sister gave me this Junior Version illustrated copy. I read it over and over again. My mom and I word read to each other at bedtime and I usually chose this book. It was my favorite until I was in college. P.S. the junior version has all the same words as the original.

In 7th grade, my best friend, Bethany, and I decided to read a book together. This was the book. My first book club! That's not true. I was part of an after school book club in elementary school where we read short stories and discussed them. I remember no titles of those books. I don't remember anything about this, other than reading it with my bestie.

I read this in high school when I got into my horror phase. The movie came out then, too, and I was obsessed. I still love Anne Rice's writing and I know have a leather-bound copy of the first 3 books in the series because my original paperbacks fell apart.

I thought I read this in college, but Goodreads says I read in right as my sophomore year in high school was starting. The picture right in the middle of the book of Charles Manson still haunts me.

You knew this would be here. I first read this in high school and I hated it. I didn't understand the concept of irony and I thought Darcy was a whole asshat and I did not understand how Elizabeth could allow herself to end up with him. I read it again in college and it relace Jane Eyre as my favorite book. I quickly read all of Jane Austen's work and it influenced my husband to take me to England to get engaged. It's still my favorite book and I reread it every few years for comfort.

I have been on a few bookstore crawls. My friend Debbie and I went to OKC once to go to a bunch of used bookstores and buy books. My sister and I went to OKC to crawl Half-Priced Books bookstores. And my friend Danielle and I went to Wichita to visit several bookstores there and the public library (because of course). This is an incredibly exhausting experience, but it's also so much fun!!!

For the last three years, I have been a reader on an award committee for a state book award voted on by high school students. The committee presents 15 books, the students read at least 3 books, then they vote for the book they want to win and the committee presents the award to the author. It's a really cool thing to be a part of and I am so honored to have been included. I'm also really glad my time is almost over. The book pictured above is my favorite book from the first year I was on the committee.

That's 8 memories. I probably will think of many more after I post this, but here we are.

Do you have any bookish memories? Share them!