Friday Reads 12/3/21

We are in December! I am not ready! Why is it so hard to figure out what to buy people for Christmas!? Why!? Anxiety!

What I don't have anxiety about is this week's reading. I've got a plan. Here it is.

Black Birds in the Sky by Brandy Colbert - This award book is on my December TBR, which is good because my friend who is also on the committee asked me to read it before the next meeting. She has controversial opinions about it, so she wants another reader to see if she's off base. She didn't love it, and is afraid people will call her racist because she didn't like the book about the race massacre.

Love In English by Maria E. Andreu - I got another one in at the library, so I'm moving it up the list. It is on the TBR and it's an award book, so no guilt! This is pretty popular in the award group.

Ace of Spades by Faridah Abike-Iyimide - I started this one a couple of days ago, but have read less that 100 pages. It appears to be a thriller set in a high class private school. There is someone online revealing secrets, but so far no one has twigged that the victims of these posts are the only two black kids in the school. I like it so far, but I'm going to put it aside for a minute to read the other two on this list which have deadlines.

That's it for this week. Ace of Spades has over 400 pages, so I don't think it will get finished. Look for it on next week's list also.

What are you reading?