Books on My Wishlist

Today's Top 5 Wednesday Topic is Books On My Wishlist. I have a shelf on my Goodreads labeled Wishlist. There are over 300 books on that shelf. So, um, I'll just pick 5.

Jane and the Year Without a Summer by Stephanie Barron - It's been 5 years since the last Jane Austen Mystery was published. Imagine my excitement when I saw this! It is kind of cheating for me to put this on the list since it doesn't come out until February, but I guess that makes it true wishing... wishing it would come out sooner!

Beastie Boys Book by Michael Diamond and Adam Horovitz - I wanted this book when it came out 3 years ago, but it was $50. I didn't want it that bad. Now it's $25.70 (randomly specific price point) so I have on my list to remind myself to get it.

Shirley Jackson: A Rather Haunted Life by Ruth Franklin - One of the prompts for the 2022 Read Harder Challenge is to read a biography about an author you admire. There are about a zillion of those, so why not this one?

Fire in Paradise: An American Tragedy by Alastair Gee and Dani Anguiano - This book is on my 50-by-50 list, so it might be nice if I owned a copy.

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Indians But Were Afraid To Ask by Anton Treuer - I just realized this cover is for the Young Readers Edition, but the adult version is also on my TBR. I like this cover better. In case you can't tell because of the language, this is referring to Native Americans, not Indians.

There are 5 books on my wishlist. What's on your wishlist?