December 2021 Goodreads Update Pt. 2

I realize it's only been 10 days since the last update, but I'm getting super click happy with my TBR these days. Away we go!

The First 21 by Nikki Sixx - Over the last 40 years, Sixx has proven to be the most intelligent and introspective of the members of Motley Crue. I really like his books. This is a memoir of the first 21 years of his life. He was 21 when Motley Crue broke out. I'm looking forward to this.

The Princess Will Save You by Sarah Henning - This is a gender flipped retelling of The Princess Bride. Say less. I'm here.

Scavenge the Stars by Tara Sim - So we've finally moved past retelling fairy tales, and thank God. I don't like those. I do like retellings of classics, though, and that is what this is. A gender flipped retelling of The Count of Monte Cristo. Yes, Please!

If I Loved You Less by Tamsen Parker - Have you read enough Austen to guess what this is a retelling of? It's Emma! Set in present day Hawaii, this is a queer retelling and I'm excited to try it out.

A Snake Falls to Earth by Darcie Little Badger - Little Badger wrote Elatsoe that I enoyed last year, or maybe earlier this year. Time is a construct these days. Anyway, this is another story that draws on Lipan Apache folkllore, but is set in our present day world.

The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows by John Koenig - This is a totally unique idea. The author has written a dictionary of made-up words for emotions that don't have words. There are also essays about these feelings.This promises to be an emotional read.

The Quiet Zone: Unraveling the Mystery of a Town Suspended in Silence b Stephen Kurczy - There is a little town in West Virginia with no cell service, no internet, no television, nothing. It is the home of the Green Bank Observatory which requires that noone near the place have any radio frequency devices that might interfere with their electronics.

Everything You Wanted to Know About Indians But Were Afraid To Ask by Anton Treuer - I'm pretty sure I already have the YA one on the list, but I want to read them both.

How to Manage Your Home Without Losing Your Mind: Dealing with Your House's Dirty Little Secrets by Dana K. White - My home could use some management. We'll see if Ms. White can help me get on top of this mess.

Salvation of a Sain by Keigo Higashino - I read the first book in this series years ago and loved it. I didn't realize there were more!!! Apparently there are 4 or 5 translated from Japanese. Exciting!

See anything interesting? Don't worry. I'll be back at the end of December with more for this list.