Friday Reads Redux

Surprise! Saturday post. After I posted yesterday, I went to the vote page for the award committee and realized that all those books I was trying to force myself through already have enough readers. I was trying to read them so they had enough readers to be discussed for the award list. I don't need to read them. So I DNFed all those books and looked for books that need just one or two more readers to make the discussion. So here is my new TBR for the week:

The Year of the Reaper by Makiia Lucier - I started this last night and read 60 pages. It's already better than all the others I was struggling through. It's about a world that just went throught the bubonic plague. Nothing like reading a book about plague in the middle of a plague. Our main character was recently released from being a prisoner of war and gets home in time to find out that the king and his new wife have taken over his ancestral home. That's where I'm at. This is a Fantasy book, and so far, so good.

Defy the Night by Brigid Kemmerer - This one might be a stretch to get enough readers to make it to discussion, but I'm going to do my part. I have loved all the other Kemmerer books I've read, so I'm excited for it.

So there we have it. Completely different books for the week. I am "working" this weekend so I won't have the usual extra time to read, so only 2 books.