May 2022 TBR

Let's be honest. I am failing at reading this year. I read exactly one book on April's TBR. So this TBR is purely speculative.

Libertie by Kaitlyn Greenidge - This is the book club book for May. It's about a woman who marries and moves to Jamaica. Jamaica? No Haiti. It's set in post-Civil War New York and Haiti.

Till Death Do Us Tart by Ellie Alexander - I have had this on my shelves for years. My sister gave it to me and said the main character reminded her of me. At least I think this is the one. What I didn't know was that it is printed upside down and backwards. Like, you open the front cover, turn it upside down, and read it backwards. Flip the pages left to right. The words are on the page just fine, but you read the right page first, then the left. It's very confusing.

The Late Show by Michael Connelly - I started this one today and flew through 75 pages. I love a female detective. I haven't worked out what the central mystery is yet, but I like it so far.

I should read some things off my 50 by 50 list, as well as books from the Book Riot Read Harder Challenge. That might happen. I'm truly reading at Whim right now. Today, I stood in front of my shelves and waited until something called out to me. There will most likely be more of that.