Friday Reads 6/3/22

I'm going to lose my reader card. I haven't picked up a book since Wednesday. I've read a couple of magazine articles. I've looked at my book from across the room. I'll probably finish it the next time I pick it up, because I'm that close to finishing it. And yet, I haven't done it. In my defense, it's been weird around here. We had a guest for most of this week. We had a traumatic event in our city on Wednesday. I've been unwell yesterday and today. It's been a time. There, I've absolved my own guilt.

People We Meet on Vacation by Emily Henry - I'm enjoying this a lot. It's not reuiring a lot of brain work. The plot jumps back and forth in time over the history of these two friends who take a vacation together every summer. I am pretty sure I know how it's going to end, but I'm okay with going along for the ride.

Charlotte Bronte: A Fiery Heart by Claire Harman - I decided after I finish this novel, I'll switch to one of my non-fiction options from my TBR. This is a nice short book, too. It's obviously a biography of Charlotte Bronte.

Dial A For Aunties by Jesse Q. Sutanto - By the time I get through those other two books, it will be time to pick up the book club book. Meddelin Chan is Chinese-Indonesian. When she accidentally murders her blind date, she calls in her aunties. They hide the body in a freezer chest, but then mix it up with the other freezers for the massive wedding they are catering the next day. This promises to be both madcap and triggering for those of us with Asian family.

That's probably all I can hope for for this week. Wish me luck.