Friday Reads 6/10/22

It's Friday! I'm looking forward to a restful weekend (I hope). I have a couple of plans, but I am hoping to get a lot of reading done as well.

Charlotte Bronte: A Fiery Heart by Claire Harman - So remember in my June TBR when I chose this particular author biography because it was short? Well, when I went to look for it on my shelves, I couldn't find it. Turns out, I was skipping over it because it is actually over 400 pages. Not short. But I did start it this week and I'm about 40 pages in. That's not very far, but the print is small so it takes some time. And that is thing I have not been in a lot of possession of the last couple of days.

Dial A for Aunties by Jesse Q. Sutanto - I am going to have to put aside the Bronte book for a bit because Book Club is next Friday. I plan to read as much of this one as I can this weekend, hopefully anything I don't finish over the weekend will be easy to wrap up before the meeting.

I think these two are going to be about all I can fit in this week. That Bronte is going to take some time.