Friday Reads 6/17/22

This was a weird week. I had Wednesday off for Juneteenth and Thursday I started working at a new branch so Thursday definitely felt like a Monday. But my calendar says today is Friday! Hooray!

Charlotte Bronte: A Fiery Heart by Claire Harman - I've finished my book club book, so I can go back to chipping away at this one. So far, I've only got up to Charlotte's dad. Well, he's married her mother and carried her off to Haworth to be lonely and miserable. Still lots more to go.

The Shape of Water by Andrea Camilleri - This is the first in a mystery series translated from the Italian. It's serving Donna Leon vibes so I've got a copy from the library. It's quite short, so I'm hoping I can fly through it.

Open and Shut by David Rosenfelt - I'm going to give another dog mystery series a chance. The covers of later books in the series are so adorable, I just can't avoid them. If this doesn't work out, I'll just go back to the Spencer Quinn books about Chet and Bernie. I mean, I'll go back to those eventually, anyway, but I will abandon all other attempts.

I realize that those last two aren't on my TBR for the month, but I am at the mercy of the library holds system. I'd been on hold for Open and Shut for months, it feels like. I still have time to finish those other two.

Just for grins, here's the cover of this year's David Rosenfelt book:

Starting at book 6 they put cute doggie pictures on the covers. All kinds of dogs. And there are a bunch of Christmas novellas too.

Anyway, I'm feeling way less pressure this week, so hopefully I'll feel like reading.