July 2022 TBR

Welp. Here we are at the end of June. That means it's time to solidify why I plan to read in July.

Firstly, there are two books from the June TBR that I haven't even started yet that I need to slide on over to the July list.

Yuki Chan in Bronte Country by Mick Jackson - I was just too sleepy this week to finish the Bronte biography and get started on this one, so over it goes.

Wuhan Diary: Dispatches From the Original Epicenter by Fang Fang - And this is the other one I need to slide over into July.

Now on to the new books I'm going to add.

The Brontesaurus: An A-Z of Charlotte, Emily & Anne Bronte (& Branwell) by John Sutherland - I swear I didn't plan to read all the Bronte stuff all mushed together like this, but I kind of like the way it's worked out.

Priestdaddy by Patricia Lockwood - A bajillion years ago, I downloaded the audiobook for this from Audible. Or maybe Scribd. I don't know. Either way, I don't have access to those accounts anymore. The library doesn't have any copies of it anymore. Why!? It's only 5 years old! Anyway, I requested a copy from out of state, and it's on the way. It's a memoir about a loophole that allowed her father to become a Catholic priest.

Hamnet by Maggie O'Farrell - This book is both on my shelves and a book that meets the challenge to read any book from the Women's Prize shortlist/longlist/winners list. It's not very big, so I might be able to actually get it done.

Rural Voice: 15 Authors Challenge Assumptions About Small-Town America edited by Nora Shalaway Carpenter - This one fulfills the challenge to read an anthology featuring diverse voices. Looking at the list of contributors I see at least one Native American, one black person, two Hispanic authors, and one LGTQ+ author. I think that counts as diverse.

Mean Baby: A Memoir of Growing Up by Selma Blair - I talked about this one recently. It's not a very long book, so I hope it flies by.

I do have a whole bunch of books coming in from the library, so presumably this is not the entire list, but this is where I'm going to end my expectations for the month.