Books On the Horizon

Technically, yesterday was Top Ten Tuesday, but I was incredibly busy then doing hot girl shit, so I'll post this today.

Today's (yesterday's) topic is Books I'm Looking Forward to In the Second Half of 2022.

**100 Animals That Can F*cking End You** by Mamadou Ndiaye - This summary had me at "The massive Southern Elephant Seal, which is built like a truck with the personality of a Spring Break frat boy."

The Bodyguard by Katherine Center - I've mentioned this before. In this fake dating story, the girl is the bodyguard and the guy doesn't want his family to know he needs one. So he pretends he's bringing his girlfriend home for a family wedding.

Babel by R.F. Kuang - This is a dark academia book set in Oxford at the fictional Royal Institute of Translation, or Babel. So many of the words in that sentence are attractive to me. Side note, how do you pronouce Babel? Long A or short? I've heard it one way all my life, but some people pronounce it differently. I don't know if they have never heard it pronounced, it's a regional thing, or I've been wrong my whole life.

Nothing More to Tell by Karen M. McManus - I love a good boarding school murder mystery. I love Karen McManus.

The Marriage Portrait by Maggie O'Farrell - Lucrezia de Medici and her arranged marriage to the Duke of Ferrara, Alfonso Il d'Este after her sister randomly died. Now she's supposed to give up all her freedom and provide an heir.

Nona the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir - Have I read the second book in this series? No. Did I still put this on my TBR? Yes. Absolutely.

House of Hunger by Alexis Henderson - I loved the witch book Henderson wrote a couple of years ago. This one is a vampire book. Even better!

Defend the Dawn by Brigid Kemmerer - This is the sequel to Defy the Night that I enjoyed last year. I love Kemmerer.

The Final Gambit by Jennifer Lynn Barnes - Once again, this is the third book in a series of which I have not read the second. Doesn't matter. The second would have to be really bad for me to not want to finish it off.

Going Rogue by Janet Evanovich - And of course, I'm stoked about the next Stephanie Plum novel.

I can't believe I found 10!