Friday Reads 7/8/22

Helllllooooo Friday. I am desperately in need of a weekend. If I'm not sleeping all weekend, I hope to do some reading.

Yuki Chan in Bronte Country by Mick Jackson - I am about a quarter of the way through this and it's actually funnier than I expected. Yuki is weird and so relatable. Her thought processes are similar to how my brain works, I just realize when I'm being ridiculous. Usually. So I'm enjoying this one.

Your Guide to Not Getting Murdered in a Quaint English Village by Maureen Johnson and Jay Cooper - This is our book club book for this month. At the last minute our hostess remembered she was hosting and we picked this book that is mostly illustrations, so everyone would have time to read it. There won't be much discussion, but this is our pool meeting, anyway. And it looks hilarious! Shouldn't take more than an hour to read.

The Brontesaurus: An A-Z of Charlotte, Emily, and Anne Bronte (& Branwell) by John Sutherland - Continuing my Bronte obsession, and also boosting my reading numbers for my 50 by 50 list as well as my Goodreads goal numbers, I'll read this next. 176 pages, so it should go quickly.

Wuhan Diary: Dispatches From the Original Epicenter by Fang Fang - I really need to get this one done since it is leftover from June. This one is a bit larger at 380 pages. I don't want to put it off until later when I might not have a brain for this type of thing.

Rural Voices: 15 Authors Challenge Assumptions About Small-Town America edited by Nora Shalaway Carpenter - This is not the kind of book you can just tear through. Short stories take a mental re-investment for each one. I plan to start this this week and just read a story here and there and stretch it out.

I think that's probably plenty of reading for one week. But I am hoping to knock out three of these books this weekend. Hooray for no plans!