July '22 Wrap Up Pt. 1

I have been a reading machine this month. I've already read 7 books this month. I figure I should wrap them up before things get too crazy.

Charlotte Bronte: A Fiery Heart by Claire Harman - I learned a LOT from this biography and it has kicked off a flurry of Bronte reading for me.

The Black Panther Party: A Graphic Novel History by David F. Walker - This was a nice graphic depiction of the people involved in the BPP.

Lore Olympus by Rachel Smythe - The art was lovely, but the girls were mostly naked and the author took liberties with the story.

Mean Baby by Selma Blair - I liked the style this was written in. It was very plain and not trying too hard to be arty. It kind of jumped around the timeline so it was sometimes hard to tell what happened in which order. The end where she talks about being diagnosed with MS and how that has affected her was pretty hard to read. But I appreciate the disability representation.

Yuki Chan in Bronte Country by Mick Jackson - I wonder about a Japanese girl being written by a white guy, but I did really like the book and Yuki. Her brain went in bizarre places, but the trail of how she got there was easily followed. It's not a particularly happy story, but the end does have some light.

Your Guide to Not Getting Murdered in a Quaint English Village by Maureen Johnson - This was the book club book for July. It's a fun send up of cozy mysteries set in small English towns. The running gags were great. The snark was spot on. It took about 20 minutes to read. Jay Cooper's drawings were hilarious. Good fun.

The Brontesaurus: An A-Z of Charlotte, Emily & Anne Bronte (& Branwell) by John Sutherland - After reading the biography of Charlotte earlier this month, I didn't really learn anything new, but Sutherland is always a good time.

And there is the first half of the month sorted. Have you read anything notable?