August 2022 Library Update

I totally forgot that the end of the month is upon us and I should have posted this last week. Oh well. Here we are.

I currently have nothing on hold! Can you believe it! All my holds finally came in! So here is everything I have checked out. Fair warning: a large portion of these have already been read and are just waiting for some kind soul to take me by the library to return them.

Once Upon a K-Prom by Kat Cho - This was super cute and better than I expected. Robbie and Elena made a promise when they were 11 that they would go to prom together. Then he moved to Korea and became a K-Pop idol. They fell out of touch and now that she's a Junior in high school, she's decided not to go to prom. Then he shows up at her door, with a cameraman in tow, to ask her to prom. She freaks out, says no, and slams the door. He was showing her "Famous Robbie", not the Robbie she knew. Luckily, he doesn't give up. The ending is pretty cute, as well.

Welcome to St. Hell: My Trans Teen Misadventure by Lewis Hancox - This is a memoir of one man's struggles being transgender as a teen in England. His parents' accents are hilarious. It was an interesting concept in that he wrote himself into the story, talking to his teen self and including bits from his friends and family as they also look back on that time.

Mimi Lee Cracks the Code by Jennifer J. Chow - I think I'm going to take this back unread. I got it before surgery thinking it would be light reading while I recovered. As it turned out, I didn't really need light reading, and I'm just not in the mood right now.

Another Appalachia: Coming Up Queer and Indian in a Mountain Place by Neema Avashia - Each chapter is about a segment of her life. There is a chapter about a yearly Indian celebration the women participate in. There is a chapter about commemorating her cousin by putting a coconut in the ocean. She realized she was a lesbian in her 30s and was afraid how her family of conservative Hindus in West Virginia would react. They were very warm and accepting, which was a switch up noone expected. I'm halfway through this now.

The Agathas by Kathleen Glasgow and Liz Lawson - So the title is a reference to Agatha Christie, whose novels the characters use to solve a mystery. However, in my family there was an aunt whose name was Agatha, but pronounced Ah-GAY-thuh. So when I see this I pronounce it The AGAYthas. And giggle a little bit.

Disappeared by Francisco X. Stork - I need to read this for a video I will do for the library's teen Instagram page. Luckily, it's about the massive amount of crime in Juarez, Mexico, which is a thing I am already interested in.

Master of Iron by Tricia Levenseller - This is the sequel to a fantasy novel I read and really enjoyed last year. It's supposed to just be a duology, so this should wrap up the story. I liked this one because it gave a pretty accurate depiction of social anxiety.

And that's it! Hopefully, I'll get through these and get them back, but only the graphic novel has holds on it, so I'm in no rush.