Friday Reads 9/9/2022

Welp, here we are at the end of my 6 weeks off work. Granted, I'm only going back a little at a time, but still I'm going back. That being said, I will still have quite a bit of reading time over the next week.

Disappeared by Francisco X. Stork - I recently discovered that my video for this book is due next Friday, so I need to read it. Luckily, it fulfills the Read Harder challenge to read a political thriller by a BIPOC author. It's YA, but it's about the disappearances of young girls in Nuevo Laredo and the international drug smuggling business. That seems pretty political to me. Either way, I'm counting it.

Matrix by Lauren Groff - After I finish that one, I'll pick up Lauren Groff's latest about Marie de France. For the purposes of this story she was a distant cousin who was removed from court and sent to an abbey in the middle of nowhere. She rebuilds the abbey and makes it a bastion of female security.

The Secret History by Donna Tartt - I'm still working on this one. I'm closing in on the 50% mark. The margins are small and so is the type. There are a lot of characters to keep straight. And there are discussions of Greek and Latin philosophy that go straight over my head. It's a good thriller though. IF a thriller can be this slowly-paced.

A Companion to Jane Austen by Claudia L. Johnson and Clara Tuite - And of course, I'm still working on this one. I'm still not even halfway through. It will be a miracle if I manage to finish it this month. It is a lot of academic writing. I have to look up words more often than I'm used to and sometimes Webster doesn't know the word, either.

So there we have it. I MIGHT finish two of these books this week. Maybe. And there are 3 more books on my TBR. Luckily Matrix is short and so is Optimist's Daughter and The Hawthorne Legacy is YA. There is still hope.