Books That Got Me Into Reading

Today's Top 5 Wednesday Topic is books that got me into reading. I don't remember not reading. I was reading before I was creating conscious memory. Apparently.

Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories by Dr. Seuss - This might be the first book I remember reading. I read it repeatedly. I did not get the references to Hitler and the Third Reich, but it was a pretty good book. I could get on board with everyone having rights.

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte - When I was in third grade, my language arts teacher started reading this to us. I fell in love. For my birthday my sister gave me this gorgeous edition and my mom and I read it to each other at bed time over and over. It was officially my favorite book until I was about 20 years old. I read other books, of course, but I only remember a few of those.

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen - I first read P&P in high school. I hated it. I didn't understand the language and I thought Darcy was a jerk. I didn't cotton on to the subtlety of his character growth. I had to read it again in college and I loved it. I became a Jane Austen superfan. Nearly 30 years later, this is still my official favorite book.

This is where it gets difficult. After college, I really went HAM on reading. Oh I got one.

The Pleasures of Reading in an Age of Distraction by Alan Jacobs - This has become my go-to book for getting out of a reading slump. It always makes me feel like reading again.

Well, that's four. I don't think there is a 5th. What are the books that got you into reading?