Friday Reads 10/7/22

And just like that, it is Friday again. Here are my plans for reading this coming week. I will be working 4 days next week so not a lot of reading happening then, but my Saturday has some free time. Sunday, my girls dance in church and I have bell rehearsal in the evening. In between, I will most likely nap, but maybe some reading might happen. Anyway, Let's see ambitious I'm feeling.

Deliberate Cruelty: Truman Capote, the Millionaire's Wife, and the Murder of the Century by Roseanne Montillo - Originally, I had decided to read my TBR books in ascending order of page count. But the next book would be the Book Club book and I didn't want to read that yet. I didn't have my list in front of me with the page counts on it, so I just decided to read this. I'm about 20% in and we are still learning about Capote's and Ann Woodward's backgrounds and how they got to NYC.

The Mystery of Mrs. Christie by Marie Benedict - By the time I get through the Capote book, it should be a decent time to pick up the Book Club book. It's still 2 weeks away right now, but by the time I get it read, it should be less than a week out. Probably.

Mexican Gothic by Sylvia Moreno-Garcia - In the unlikely event that I get through those books before Friday, I will pick up Mexican Gothic. It's a good creepy house novel and I've heard it's a good place to start with this author.

This week the group I'm reading The Secret History with is reading the first 100 pages of that book. I've read those already, so I don't feel like I have to re-read those.

Also, I'm planning to finish my copy of The Missouri Review I've been working on. So I can check that off my TBR, even if it doesn't count on Goodreads for anything. I can check it off my BookRiot challenge.