Friday Reads 10/21/22

It's Friday. The first full week of working full time since my surgery. Status: I'm doing ok. I have book club tonight and I'm giving a speech tomorrow morning. So it's a good thing I'm okay. Anyway, reading. Here it is.

Sister Novelists: The Trailblazing Porter Sisters, Who Paved the Way for Austen and the Brontes by Devoney Looser - I'm really enjoying this book, but I'm getting nowhere fast. I'm only 20% in. The problem is a combination of lack of reading time and somewhat dense content. I usually have big plans to read after dinner until bedtime, but I forget that I live with other people who have things to say to me. So, my reading is sporadic at best. I only have 5 days to finish it before NetGalley closes the feedback section, so I'm going to have to get serious. Goodreads says it's 576 pages, but I'm hoping some of that is end notes, etc.

Empire of the Vampire by Jay Kristoff - This is the last book on my TBR. I have planned it out nicely to be reading the vampire book at Halloween. I've read half of this last year, but I had to stop and attend to prior commitments. I haven't decided if I'm going to re-read the first half or try to power on with my memory of what I read before. Probably if I start over I can read it faster than I did last time by just jostling my memory as I read. One can hope. This may get held over into November because it is excessively long. Over 700 pages.

And that's it. Two long books.