Friday Reads 11/4/22

Today. It's Friday. I had the day off because I work tomorrow. Nothing went as planned. Nothing. So I am just now getting around to my current reads. It's almost 11 pm. But here we go:

The Secret History by Donna Tartt - I'm so glad a group on Facebook started a buddy read of this book. It's divided up so that if I read 14 pages a day, I will be right on target for the discussions. That is so doable. Way better than trying to read it all at once in a month. I totally forgot to put this on my November TBR. Oops.

Reading Jane Austen by Jenny Davidson - When I picked this up there was a Darcy bookmark in it. I don't remember having started it, and as I'm reading, none of it feels familiar. So maybe I just stuck a bookmark in it randomly. It's pretty easy reading even if the type is miniscule and pages are large. Right now I'm on a chapter about Revision, which is kind of boring because almost none of her manuscripts still exist.

Dickens and Prince: A Particular Kind of Genius by Nick Hornby - I started this at work yesterday. The author is comparing the lives and work of both of these creators. It's an interesting premise. I'm only 10% in, so well see what else happens.

I don't know if I will be able to finish those last two before next week. Surely, I can, right? If so, I'll start:

Dear Fahrenheit 451: Love and Heartbreak in the Stacks by Annie Spence - This is a collection of love letters to books she loves and break up notes to books she doesn't. It promises to be snarky and funny. I'm looking forward to it.

So those are my immediate reading plans. What are your thoughts?