NetGalley Update

I keep mentioning books I have received from NetGalley for review. Maybe I should go ahead and tell you what is hanging out on that list. Honestly, there are a lot of books from 2019 and earlier, that I probably won't bother with. Let me just tell you about the ones that have an ice cube's chance in hell that I might read it. Also, I'm only including the books that have already published, and those that will publish in the first quarter of 2023.

The Memory of Babel by Christelle Dabos - This is the third book in the Mirror Quartet. It is translated from the French and it is just what you would expect a magical fantasy would be like in France. I've read the first two. They are all quite large. This one is over 500 pages. Oy!

The Paris Library by Janet Skeslien Charles - You may remember from yesterday's post that this is on my December TBR. I can finally give feedback on this book that came out in 2020. It is historical fiction, set in WWII, which you have most likely deduced from the cover.

The Midnight Library by Matt Haig - I feel relatively confident that I will really like this one. It isn't for everyone because of the weird premise, but I think it will be right up my alley. A lonely woman finds a library between life and death that has a book for each time she made a decision. The book tells what would have happened if she had made the other choice. How her life would have gone.

Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times by Katherine May - This one came out last fall and has been on my TBR ever since. I didn't realize I had requested a NetGalley copy until just recently. Luckily, I can still read it and give feedback, while also checking it off my 50 by 50 list.

The London Seance Society by Sarah Penner - Okay, now we're getting into the books that haven't come out yet! My book club read The Lost Apothecary by Penner this summer and enjoyed it. This one promises to be different, so it looks like she's not a one-trick pony. 2 women, one a practiced medium, travel from Paris to London to help solve a murder with the men of the London Seance Society. But all is not as it seems. dun duh DUN This one comes out March 21, 2023.

So Shall You Reap by Donna Leon - I gotta tell you, the cover game on Donna Leon's books is strong! They just keep getting more beautiful. Anyway, this is the next book in the Guido Brunetti series. Will I have caught up with the whole series before I read this one? No. But will I try to read as many as I can? Also no. But will I be upset with myself for not reading them all? Still no. These books do not require reading in order, other than what rank Brunetti is in the police force. And that doesn't really affect the plot any at all. This one releases March 14, 2023.

The Foxglove King by Hannah Whitten - Lore is a lonely kid living in the streets of Dellaire, trying to hide her magical ability. She gets found out, but instead of being killed, she gets pressed into service for the King. She's got to find out why entire towns are dying and who in the king's court is the traitor, while also staying away from the people who would do her harm, because this court is particularly back-biting and nasty. This might be YA. I'm not really sure. It looks like it, but the library has it under adult fantasy. Anyway, this one publishes on March 7, 2023.

March looks like it could be very busy for me.

A Day of Fallen Night by Samantha Shannon - In another post, I said this is the sequel to Priory of the Orange Tree. That is incorrect. It is actually a prequel. Which then begs the question: which do I read first? I checked. The author says, if you don't want spoilers of any kind, start with A Day of Fallen Night. If you want to start with the easier book which will give you a solid basis in the world, start with Priory. This book has almost 900 pages. Woof! This will release on February 28, 2023.

Tomorrowmind: Thriving at Work With Resilience, Creativity, and Connection - Now and in an Uncertain Future by Gabriella Rosen Kellerman and Martin E.P. Seligman - I think it's no secret that I would like to thrive at work. It would be such a refreshing change. This book comes out January 17, 2023.

Song of Silver, Flame Like Night by Amelie When Zhao - This one is on my December TBR, so you've already heard about this one. This was 100% a cover grab. It publishes on January 3, 2023.

Chaos Theory by Nic Stone - Nic Stone's books are generally pretty good. This is about two kids who are loners but they meet and sparks fly. But their pasts are still waiting to ruin everything. Chaos Theory comes out on February 28, 2023.

Everyone In My Family Has Killed Someone by Benjamin Stevenson - Early reviews of this have been good, and it looks like fun. It is also the first in a series. Just what I need: more series. This one will be released on January 17, 2023.

Vampire Weekend by Mike Chen - Ok. There's a lot going on here. Louise is a Chinese American vampire who left her family behind years ago. She loves punk music and wants to start a band, if she can keep her... ah, situation...under wraps. Then, her nephew shows up and shares her love of music and caustic attitude. When he figures out her secret, things get weird. There is a band called Vampire Weekend, which is a thing I think is hilarious. It is not classified as punk rock, but who knows how they think of themselves. Anyway, this one will be published on January 31, 2023.