Friday Reads 12/23/22

It is the day before Christmas Eve. Christmas Eve is one of the busiest days of the year for me. Tonight is Christmas at the in-laws' house. I should really consider wrapping some Christmas gifts so I don't end up doing it at midnight Saturday night. Sunday will hopefully be restful and restorative, knock wood.

I have a problem. I'm not really loving either of the two books I'm actively reading, which leads to me not really reading much. Yesterday, I told myself I should pick up something else to jumpstart my reading mood. But I couldn't find anything in my nearly 400 book TBR wall that I felt like reading. That is ridiculous. I even got a book in from the library that I'm super excited about. Didn't feel like reading that, either. This tells me I might be in a reading slump. Probably stress-induced.

All that being said, here is what I'm ostensibly reading when I feel like it:

The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2021 - This one might be getting a little bit more eyeball-time just because it's short stories. This means at the end of the story, there is a different one. If I don't love this story, I don't have to read 400 pages of it.

Song of Silver, Flame Like Night by Amelie Wen Zhao - Another clue that it is me, not the books, is that while I'm reading this, I'm really into it. I'm turning the pages to see what happens next. But when I get to a chapter break, I look around to see what else I could do instead. All my dishes are done and the counters are clean. I've set up a coffee and tea station in my kitchen. There has been a lot of not reading.

The Lazy Genius Way: Embrace What Matters, Ditch What Doesn't, and Get Stuff Done by Kendra Adichi - Still 9 pages in. I feel like it will go fast when I get to it, but I have these other books with goals attached.

The Final Gambit by Jennifer Lynn Barnes - And the Kindle book that came in from the library yesterday. Once I finish the Zhao, this will be my Kindle book.

I hope I get this whole reading slump worked out soon. I feel like a horse off my feed.