Friday Reads 12/30/2022

Welp. This is the last Friday Reads on 2022. That doesn't really mean anything, but it's a fun thing to note.

I didn't finish a book for a full 16 days this month. I was rather stressed and couldn't find time/focus to read for more than a few minutes at a time. I was trying to get through 2 large books. Once I made it to vacation, the stress relieved and I have finished 2 books already. I'm hoping to finish at least 2 more before I go back to work on Tuesday.

Now, on to the books!

The Lazy Genius Way: Embrace What Matters, Ditch What Doesn't, and Get Stuff Done by Kendra Adachi - I read half of this yesterday. Her perspective is that you can't be perfect at everything (trying to be a genius). When many people realize that, they shut down and decide not to care about anything (being lazy.) This book helps you find the middle ground. Being picky about the things that really matter to you and being lazy about the things that don't. Some of it I already know/do, but other things are enlightening.

The Final Gambit by Jennifer Lynn Barnes - I have literally had this checked out from the library for a week. I just had to finish those other things first. I have it for another week, so surely I can blaze through it by then. These books read very fast. This is the third book in a trilogy about Avery who randomly inherits billions of dollars from a man she's never met which disinherits his entire family. He left a bunch of games for her and his 4 grandsons to figure out to find out why she inherited instead of them.

Going Rogue by Janet Evanovich - I finally got it! It came in the last day I was at work before vacation! I have left it in the library bag in the kitchen while I finish books and read books with earlier due dates.

Nothing More to Tell by Karen M. McManus - I have loved every single one of McManus' YA mystery/thrillers. I expect this one to be no different. I have no idea what the plot of this one is. It doesn't matter. I will devour it.

What's that? None of these books are on my January TBR? Oh well! I still have 3 more weeks in the month.