2022 Wrap Up

The year is officially over and I've had time to go over some data.

Let's start with my 2022 reading goals.

First we had Read 100 Books - I did it! I actually read 107 books in 2022.

Reread 12 books - Um, no. By the middle of the year, I had completely forgotten about this goal. I ended up with 4 rereads. Oof.

Read 25 of my 50 by 50 list - Yes! I did this. I read (or DNFed) 25 books from that list, leaving 25 more to read this year.

Complete the Read Harder Challenge from Book Riot - Yes! I snuck the last book in just a few days before the year ended. Woohoo!

Now for the fun part. The stats!!!

Genre - I think it's interesting that I read more nonfiction than any other genre, but it was still only 29% of my total reading. Usually it's closer to 50%.

Star rating - Well, I guess I pick good books for myself. Also, I won't rate a book I didn't finish. I don't think that's fair to the book or the author. Most of my books were 4 stars, which seems like a good indication that I'm choosing books I'll like. I had 28 5 star books which seems like a lot, but I will again chalk that up to being a good chooser.

Age Category - Those two little slivers of beige or gray or whatever that is next to Middle Grade represent 1 Children's book, and 1 New Adult book. Mostly adult and a quarter young adult. That checks out.

Are there any other stats you'd be interested to see?