Friday Reads 1/13/2023

I am struggling y'all. It's like this. This book:

This book is less than 300 pages. So why am I only halfway through it? It's not boring. It's got a lot of psychology in it which I love. It's about training your mind to avoid psychological distress. But man! I read for an hour, and I've read 40 pages.

Everyone In My Family Has Killed Someone by Benjamin Stevenson - At some point I'm just going to have to start this one. It is also released on Tuesday and I need to write the review of it. Here's hoping it doesn't take as long to read!

Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi - This is also very short. Hopefully it's decently easy to read. It's not an easy subject. It follows the family of two sisters from Ghana. One stays there while the other is removed to the U.S. on a slave ship. Not hilarious, but I've heard it's a great read.

That's enough for now. Here's hoping I can get through that one book!