March 2023 TBR

I've seen several creators on BookTube talking about Massive Book March. I said to myself, "Self, we have lots of big books on our TBR. We should participate." So here are the largest books on my 50 by 50 TBR that I could try to read in March.

House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J. Maas - This is the longest book on my 50 by 50 list, clocking in at 803 pages. Oof! This is Urban Fantasy, which is a story set in our own world but with fantasy elements like fairies and vampires and stuff.

The Sisters: The Saga of the Mitford Sisters by Mary S. Lovell - This chunker comes in at 656 pages. It doesn't look that big! Maybe a lot of it is end notes.

Roses by Leila Meacham - I've already read 25% of this 609 page brick. I can't decide if I like it. It reads quickly and I keep turning the pages, but it's hard to sympathize with the main character because her decisions are not the decisions I would make.

City of Brass by S.A. Chakraborty - This one is only 544 pages! It actually looks bigger than that. This is middle-eastern folklore inspired fantasy.

Nothin' But a Good Time by Tom Beaujour and Richard Bienstock - On the library page, these authors are listed as "interviewers." Maybe there are new interviews here? That would be cool. This chunk is 535 pages, but looks like so many more.

I'm sure that is already more book than I can read in a month, so I'm going to stop at 5. I'm pretty excited. Maybe I can knock out the most intimidating books on my 50 by 50 list! Not to mention my whole TBR shelves!