Bookish People I'd Like to Meet

Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is Bookish People I'd Like to Meet. I'm taking this to mean people who are not authors, but are somehow in the book world. Most of mine will be podcasters and BookTubers.

Meredith Monday Schwartz - Podcast co-host of Currently Reading podcast. Meredith is just about exactly my age, so I feel a connection to her in that way and we have some similar reading tastes. She's funny and confident on the mic and her book reviews are all-encompassing without spoiling the plot of a book.

Kaytee Cobb - Podcast co-host of Currently Reading Podcast. Kaytee is also really funny and I love hearing about what is working for her family. She has 4 kids and lives in Santa Fe, NM, which I also love.

Liberty Hardy - Managing Editor at Book Riot and podcast host of All the Books. Basically this woman's whole job is to read books. She reads over 600 a year. I kid you not. She doesn't sleep a lot. She reads a whole lot more horror than I do, but generally her recommendations are impeccable and her instagram is full of her 3 cats.

Steph - BookTuber on the channel Steph Loves. I love her accent. She lives somewhere in the North of England. She likes Fantasy and contemporary romance. I'm one of those viewers who is part stalker. I like her little house. Her living room with the fireplace is perfection for reading sprints.

Olivia - BookTuber on the Channel Olivia Reads a Latte. She and her partner (whose face we never see) bought a new house a couple of years ago. Their kitchen is to die for. She takes the viewers to the bookstore at least once a week while she goes shopping. She has some major medical concerns and anxiety which combine to make her hilarious. She also has a dog and a cat that I love to see in her videos. She is in the Dallas area somewhere.

Reagan - BookTuber on the channel Peruse Project. I have been watching Reagan for 9 years. She was in college when I first started watching her book reviews. After college, she went to Chicago for a couple of years. Then she followed her boyfriend to New York City. After they did that for a few years, they picked up and moved back home to Austin. They've got engaged and bought a house. She has a pug named Millie. Also, she reads books.

Hailey - BookTuber on the channel Hailey Hughes. By day she is a therapist. She reads a lot of psychological thrillers and her take on them is fascinating. She also lives in Austin with her fiance and 2 chihuahuas. I don't read a lot of thrillers, but listening to her talk about them is amazing. Also, she reads a lot. She must read really fast because she also has a life outside of work and books.

Brittany - BookTuber on the channel Books With Brittany. Look at that room behind her. That's her library. The windows in this room are almost floor to ceiling. I feel like that might be hard on the books, but it makes for a beautiful room! Brittany reviews literary fiction in a way that makes me want to go read it. All the literary fiction I've picked up in the last year, I blame on her. She also digs adult high fantasy. She's smart and incisive and I love watching her. She's up north somewhere. Michigan maybe? I'm not sure. No wait, she went with Jan Agaton book shopping one time and Jan is in Chicago.

Jan - BookTuber on the channel Jan Agaton. Jan has the coolest job. She is the social media coordinator for a Chicago area library system. I follow that system on Instagram just to see what she's done for their page. She got this job the day before her 25th birthday. Her boyfriend built her a bookcase in the shape of a coffin. He's a fun guy, as well, and he has a dog that turns up in videos occasionally. She reads so much. I don't know how she does it. She must read soooo fast.

Samantha - Booktuber from Samantha Plans and Reads. Samantha is a librarian but is not currently working in a library. She and her husband just moved back to their hometown after his finishing his residency. She has Lupus which has made it difficult to work. But dang can she read! There are not many adults revieweing YA books on YouTube these days, but she was a teen librarian and therefore has excellent taste in YA fantasy.

Bonus entry:

Anne - Host of the podcast What Should I Read Next and the blog Modern Mrs. Darcy. Technically I've already met her, but going for a coffee and talking books for an hour would be super fun.

Who would you like to meet?