Friday Reads 3/10/2023

Oh my gosh what a week. I feel like it was just one damned thing after another. Luckily, very little of it was unplanned. I just had a very full planner. I'm exhausted!

I have a 3 day weekend this weekend, so maybe I can get some reading done? It's the first weekend of Spring Break so all of my dancers are out of town. No dance rehearsal! And I don't think the bell choir is rehearsing this week. Same reason. So my Sunday is clear! I have a super quick vet appointment Monday morning, but that's it. And nothing scheduled Tuesday. Nothing! I really hope I get some rest.

This last Monday I was standing in the kitchen making my cup of coffee and my husband kind of chuckled. He said, "I sense a theme in your outfit today." I had on my Velocireader t-shirt, my socks with books on them that say "So Many Books, So Little Time' on the bottoms, and my sweatpants that say "Read More Books" down the leg. I wanted to make my plans for the day clear. I hope to repeat that outfit this weekend.

So on to my planned reading. I am all over the place right now. I keep starting books. I read a little here and a little there. So here's what I've got going, or might start this weekend.

Roses by Leila Meacham - This should surprise no one. I've been reading it for an eternity. I pick it up whenever I'm feeling the historical fiction vibes. I've gotten through the Great War and into Prohibition.

House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J. Maas - I read this when I'm in the mood for Fantasy. It's an incredibly quick read for its size. I mean it's really big. And the pages are Bible thin. But they do turn quickly.

News of a Kidnapping by Gabriel Garcia Marquez - This is about the kidnapping of ten journalists in Colombia in 1990. They were picked up one by one. The purpose was to force the government to agree not to extradite the drug cartel runner to the U.S. if he turns himself in. Interesting strategy.

Africa Is Not a Country: Notes on a Bright Continent by Dipo Faloyin - So far, this is like an instruction manual on how to write nonfiction on a terribly dry subject that doesn't read like nonfiction on a terribly dry subject. I love the author's tone and his snarky comments.

SpyxFamily Vol. 4 by Tatsuya Endo - Finally! I've got to the one with the dog!!!

Hollow Fires by Samira Ahmed - In case I'm not feeling bummed out enough by kidnappings in Colombia and the entire history of Africa, I'll read this YA about racism. I have decided I should read all the books on the Sequoyah list for this year. This is one of them.

The First Thing About You by Chaz Hayden - This is another Seequoyah list book. It's about a kid who moves from California to New Jersey and is very picky about his new friends. He has a hired nurse to go to school with him because he is in a wheelchair. The nurse sees past the wheelchair and wants to help him succeed with his crush, who is singularly avoidant. But the nurse has her own problems. Drama!

Perestroika in Paris by Jane Smiley - Yes, this is still hanging around, waiting for my attention.

The Final Gambit by Jennifer Lynn Barnes - And this one too. I know I'll love it. I'm just putting it off. I'm the absolute worst at finishing series, and this is the last in this trilogy.

So that is a lot of books to choose from. I will most likely finish the SpyxFamily one. It only takes about an hour. I might start and finish one of the YA books or Perestroika in Paris, because they are not very large, and read quickly. Then I'll probably read a little here, and a little there. The Kidnapping book came from out of state, so I'll need to be more focused on that one. But it's short.

Anyway, that is the longest Friday Reads post ever.

What are you reading right now?