May 2023 TBR

I think TBRs might be my favorite posts to write. They are just filled with so much hope and and ambition and excitement for reading. Even though I never finish an entire TBR and often get distracted by mood reads, I just love the feeling of being excited to read books.

Without further ado, here is my list of possibilities for May.

The City of Brass by S.A. Chakraborty - Last night I wrote a list of all the books on my 50 by 50 list that I have yet to read. Then I ordered them by length. This is the longest book still left on the list. So, I'm starting with that one. I have learned it's never a good idea to leave the longest books for last. Too stressful.

Gunfight at Ingalls: Death of an Outlaw Town by Glenn Shirley - This is the shortest book on my 50 by 50 list. I figure since I'm reading the longest book, I might as well balance it out with a short book or two. I have been obsessed with Ingalls, Oklahoma since high school. I've been to the site a couple of times and read the historical markers. Last time I was there, you could still see the crumbling base of the school house.

Shades of Milk and Honey by Mary Robinette Kowal - Next to the Ingalls book, this is the shortest book left. I am running behind on my 50 by 50 goal, so I hope to catch up.

Mere Mortals by Erin Jade Lange - I think this might be the funniest book on the Sequoyah list, so I will probably pick it up next. I would like something funny.

Spearhead: An American Tank Gunenr, His Enemy, And a Collision of Lives In World War II by Adam Makos - This is the Sequoyah book I'm least looking forward to reading. I'm so over WWII stuff. Never been a fan, really. Best to get it out of the way.

Two Good Dogs by Susan Wilson - I only need one more book from my own shelves to be caught up on that goal, so I chose this one. I have been assured that no dog dies in this one. I read the synopsis and it sounds awesome and stars a pit bull. I love that for me!

Ok. There are my books for May. Thoughts?