Friday Reads 4/28/2023

It's the last Friday in April! I can't say I'm sorry to see April go. The last two Aprils have been pretty shitty. I think in future, I will just skip April and go from March to May. That being said, here is how I'm planning to finish up my April reading, and start in on May.

The Nineties by Chuck Klosterman - I have decided this is my slow and steady read. I'm reading about one chapter a day. It's not the sort of thing you can fly through. Especially if you're tabbing pertinent bits and making notes. I'm really liking it.

The Maid by Nita Prose - This is a mystery about a young woman who is on the autism spectrum who discovers a dead body in one of the hotel rooms where she works. It has mixed reviews, but some people say it's pretty fun, so I'll give it a sniff.

Mere Mortals by Erin Jade Lange - Next, I'll move on to my May reading with this goofy thing. A friend of mine read it and hated it. She may be more discerning than I am. I like vampires. We'll see if this earned it's spot on the Sequoyah list.

The City of Brass by S.A. Chakraborty - I may as well go ahead and start City of Brass. It's very long and will probably take most of the month to get through. But if I can get through House of Earth and Blood, I can get through this one.

That's probably all I can squeeze in.

What are you reading this week?