Friday Reads 5/19/2023

This has been another one of those weeks where I have no idea what day it is when I wake up. Today when I woke up it was raining and I was really hoping it was a day off, but alas.

So let's talk about books. I have managed to get a little reading in each day. One day it was just 4 pages, but it happened.

There are over 10 days left in the month and I've either read or DNFed all but two of the books on my TBR. So here they are.

City of Brass by S. A. Chakraborty - I'm about 40% of the way through this. I'm enjoying it immensely. It's 800 pages long, and a big chunky book, so I don't take it out of the house. It's just too cumbersome.

Two Good Dogs by Susan Wilson - Would you please look at the piblles on this cover? So adorable. It has been several weeks since I read the first chapter of this, and I don't remember much of it. I'll probably have to start over. It's fine. Only one chapter.

Cat + Gamer by Wataru Nadatani - I ran across this in my internet ramblings one day and decided to request it at the library. I've got volumes one and two in my possession. They will probably get read this weekend?

I don't forsee any trouble finishing my TBR this month and I am super happy about that. I'm even tossing in other books to fill gaps. Yay!