May Goodreads Upate Pt. 2

We are nearing the end of May, so here is an update on what I've added to my Goodreads To-Be-Read list since the last time we visited this list. I added an entire series to the list, so to be kind to both of us, I'm only going to list the first one.

The Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros - This book has suddenly blown up all over the internet. Everyone loves it. People who  don't usually read fantasy are loving it. I succumbed to the peer pressure and added it to my list.

The Gunslinger by Stephen King - So, I went and took a gander at my hubby's bookshelves and found several to add to my TBR. This is the first one. It's a classic of fantasy, so I'll give it a sniff.

On a Pale Horse by Piers Anthony - I read some of this in high school and thought it was hilarious. My hubby has the whole series, so why not read them? This is the series I mentioned where I am not listing all 6 books here.

Kushiel's Dart by Jacqueline Carey - This one comes on and off my TBR. Sometimes I think I want to read it, and then I'll decide to take it off, and back and forth.

Red Mars by Kim Stanley Robinson - I've recently been in a Sci-Fi mood recently and this is just sitting here unread. I actually might have read it decades ago. It feels very familiar.

Six Scorched Roses by Carissa Broadbent - This is another one that has suddenly made a big appearance on the interwebs. Also, it has vampires. See my buzzwords post. Vampires will get me to pick up a book with a quickness.

Brave the Wild River: The Untold Story of Two Women Who Mapped the Botany of the Grand Canyon by Melissa Sevigny - I have heard about this book on at least two different podcasts by people who don't typically read nonfiction. This intrigues me. Not that I really have an interest in botany or the Grand Canyon, but apparently it's fascinating.

Ok. That's it. Well, that's representatively it. I'd love to hear your thoughts.