Friday Reads 5/26/2023

We are at the last Friday in May. I have 2 books to finish for my TBR. I'm feeling good about this. I have a dance recital tonight, so I'll be lucky to get any reading done. I work tomorrow. I might be able to slip some reading in at work if it's not too chaotic. I will definitely be prioritizing reading tomorrow evening. I have Sunday and Monday off and also next Wednesday. I only have a hair appointment Monday and a lunch date Wednesday. I feel confident I will finish up both books by June 1.

The City of Brass by S.A. Chakraborty - I am over 75% through this one. There are less than 200 pages left to go. Wait, I just checked. There are 110 pages left. I sat down last night and breezed through 50 pages. This one is for sure getting wrapped up. A thing that never happens is happening to me with this book. I want to pick up the sequel. Usually, I have to have big gaps between books in a series. I don't like to overdose on a world or characters. But this one, I want to keep reading.

Two Good Dogs by Susan Wilson - This book is surprising me. At first it was just narrated by a seriously disturbed teenage girl and her mother who is incredibly clueless. Ho hum. Then we got a guy who got trapped in their dumb little town by a storm and had to stay at their hotel. He was interesting enough. Enter: the dog. His dog is a therapy dog and she narrates some of the story too. She realizes that the girl is seriously disturbed and is trying to provide comfort. This is what I've got from my 17% I've read. Obviously, my favorite parts are the ones narrated by the dog.

In the event that I finish both of these before Wednesday, I'll probably start on my June TBR. That statement would make you think I know what's on my June TBR. I have a few ideas, but not the whole list. Here's what MIGHT happen.

Fire in Paradise: An American Tragedy by Alastair Gee and Dani Anguiano - This book is on my 50 by 50 list and is one of two books on the list that I don't own. I put a hold on it at the library and it showed up today. So that will probably be on my June TBR.

The Sisters: The Saga of the Mitford Family by Mary S. Lovell - This is now the longest book on my 50 by 50 challenge list, so I will be tackling it ASAP. I do love a good "rich people behaving badly" story. And some of these ladies behaved very badly.

That's it for this Friday Reads.