Friday Reads 6/9/2023

Friday. I think. I don't know why I can't keep up with the days. I go to work and I have appointments and dates. I have planners and journals and a smart watch. Why do I have to remind myself several times a day what day it is? The world may never know.

But since all my sources tell me it is Friday, it's time to talk about my reading plans.

After all the angst and hand-wringing I went through on Wednesday, I actually haven't picked up anything new.

The Sisters: The Saga of the Mitford Family by Mary S. Lovell - When it came right down to it, I really just wanted to read this some more. It's slow going. There are a lot of words on the page. No wait. I've only been reading it for 4 days. I'm 24% in (or 150 pages). See? I have no concept of the passage of time. It's been four days, but I was sure I'd been reading it for a week. Anyway, I am enjoying it enough that I haven't bothered to two-time it with another book.

That being said, I still don't know what's next.

(Intermission while I ponder)

OK. I think I have a plan. I'm going to start with the longest books and work backward. But also, I don't want to read two non-fiction books at the same time. I think this will work out ok.

Alone Out Here by Riley Redgate - This Sequoyah book has 400 pages, even though it looks smaller than the other Sequoyah book on this month's list. That is a nice way to psych myself out. Read a long book that looks short. This is a sci-fi about a bunch of teenagers who accidentally get shot into space. What could go wrong?

The First Thing About You by Chaz Hayden - This is the Sequoyah book I have already started. It has 384 pages. Well, minus the 36 pages I've read. This is about a high school student with spinal atrophy who is confined to a wheelchair. He's moved schools and is trying to reinvent himself. I think it will take me at least through this book to finish The Sisters. If not, I may get stuck reading two non-fictions together.

Neon Girls: A Stripper's Education in Protest and Power by Jennifer Worley - This one showed up in delivery today from an out-of-state library. It's only 272 pages, which seems short for such a cool story. It's about a woman who became a stripper to fund her grad school. She and the girls start a union and eventually take over ownership of the club. If I end up reading this at the same time as The Sisters, it's hopefully different enough that the two will not get confused in my head.

The Professor and the Madman: A Tale of Murder, Insanity, and the Makind of the Oxford English Dictionary by Simon Winchester - This is the last book on my TBR for June. As it's only the 9th today, I'm hoping to get through all my TBR books early so I can read whatever I want on my trip to Chicago and to the lake later this month.

I realize I have just relisted my TBR for June here. I also realize that I am not going to get through all these books by next Friday. I also have not included the manga books I have hanging around. Welp. It is what it is. A mess.