Sep. 2023 Library Update

Wow. It's already time for a library update. This will be short and painless.


One of Us Is Back by Karen M. McManus - This is book 3 in this series of YA mysteries. In the first one a group of kids is in detention for crimes they didn't commit when one of the students dies of an allergic reaction. All of the kids have something against the dead student (he was kind of a douche canoe) and they are now all suspects. It was amazing. The second book was good, but less memorable. I love all of McManus' books so far, and I expect this will be no different.


On a Sunbeam by Tilly Walden - I am beginning to think I will never get this one. The person who has it checked out has had it since June. Sigh.

Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Fairies by Heather Fawcett - I am slowly working my way up the list for this one. I am officially next on the list for this one, but I don't think it will get here before I leave for vacation. Oh well. It seems like a good spooky season read.

Dirty Thirty by Janet Evanovich - And of course this one. Just a couple more months of seeing this on this list. I hope.

And that's it. It wasn't too scary, right?