November '23 Goodreads Update Part 1

It's been a couple of weeks since my last GR update, and I put a lot on my list without really registering that I was doing it. I had a bit of a shock when I looked at my list to decide if I had enough to warrant a part one update. I do. So here we go.

Tuesday Mooney Talks to Ghosts by Kate Racculia - I thought this was a kids' book until my sister read it and disabused me of that notion. Now I realize it's by Kate Racculia, whose book This Must Be the Place I read for book club years ago. So ok. I'll put it on my list.

The Queen's Man by Sharon Kay Penman - I have heard of SKP, but have never read one of her books. There are just too many. I didn't know where to start. So when I heard this book discussed on a podcast, I decided to give it a go. Then they said it's out of print. What? Noooooooo! Guess what. My local used book store had a copy. So I bought it. Woohoo!

Prince of Darkness by Sharon Kay Penman - I also grabbed this one. It's book 4 in the series of mysteries set in medieval England around King Richard the Lionheart's time. You know... the Crusade, Robin Hood, all that jazz. I am on the lookout for books 2 and 3.

The Smell of the Night by Andrea Camilleri - On that same trip to the used bookstore, I found this Inspector Montalbano book. It's number 6 in the series, and I am only on number 3, but they are not easy to find, so I snagged it.

The Rook by Daniel O'Malley - A friend of mine has raved about this series for years. When I found a copy for just a few dollars, I decided to give it a sniff.

Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Lord by Celeste Connally - This is a book I added to my list because I got an eARC of it through NetGalley. I had planned to read it this month, but my reading has slowed waaaay down, and I don't know if I can get to it. It's a Regency Era mystery, which is a think I love.

Open Throat by Henry Hoke - I heard about this on a podcast and was really excited about it. This is told from the perspective of a mountain lion that lives under the Hollywood sign in L.A. He overhears people and watches over a homeless encampment there. A wildfire forces him down into the city, where he is confronted by even more weirdness and confusion.

The Book of Boy by Catherine Gilbert Murdock - I have seen this book in the library for many years, and never thought about picking it up. Once again, I heard it talked about on a podcast, and decided to add it to my list. Boy is an orphan in a medieval town who has an unfortunate hump. He gets sold to a traveler to carry his bag through the countryside. Something in the bag is not kosher.

House Arrest: Pandemic Diaries by Alan Bennett - I have loved Alan Bennett and I have loved Covid Memoirs. I anticipate that this will be wonderful.

This Other Eden by Paul Harding - This based on a true story of Malaga Island off the coast of Maine. It was first settled in the late 1700s by a black man and his family. Eventually there were several families of different backgrounds. They were happy and peaceful for a hundred years until "civilization" found them. I don't think it will be a fun book, but it might be interesting.

Open and Shut by David Rosenfelt - I got this for my birthday from my Amazon wishlist. Apparently, I put it on my wishlist, but forgot to add it to my Goodreads TBR. Oops. My copy has a dog on the cover. That is a more representative cover because the dog plays a large role in the series.

The Future by Naomi Alderman - In this speculative fiction book, the people in charge of the 5 major capitalist corporations in the country get shut down and all their money is redistributed to help people all over the world. Wouldn't that be something.

Slewfoot: A Tale of Bewitchery by Brom - My husband read this this year. I have seen rave reviews. I'm kind of nervous about it, in case it's too horrory. But I've heard the illustrations are fabulous.

The Mask of Mirrors by M. A. Carrick - I heard a BookTuber rave about the second book in this series, so I added it. That cover! No idea what it's about. That is my toxic trait. I add books to my list and I have no idea what they're about. Oops!

Ok. Those are all the books I've added so far this month. My total TBR count is 983. Yikes. Oh well.