Friday Reads 11/24/2023

I have a real problem. I have 10 books left on my Read Books From My Shelves challenge. I've started 3 of them. I'm not getting anywhere fast in any of them. I still need to read two books for work development. It would be optimal if those books could come from my actual shelves, but I'm not sure what I own that would work except for management books. Ugh. I started a management book and it's slow going. Close reading takes awhile.

I have to make some decisions. First, do I give up close reading on my work books so I can just get them done, which negates the purpose of reading the books, or keep plugging away at them while I also try to read other books from my shelves? What other books do I add to my stacks to attempt to finish 10 in the next 5 weeks? The books I want to read are pretty long. Not conducive to finishing quickly. The short books I have are pretty dense.

I need a plan. Ok. I'm looking at my Currently Reading list on Goodreads and forming a strategy. See what you think.

The Woman In the Library by Sulari Gentill - I am the most through this one. I'm at 80%. Granted, it has taken me a month to get to 80%, but if I request a paper copy from the library I can finish it up real quick. I read faster than I listen. I mean, I don't read when I'm driving, but since I don't listen every day, it would be faster to sit down with the book for an hour and knock it out. I won't be able to get my hands on this one until Tuesday, so it won't be the first thing I read, but ordering it will be the first step in the plan.

The First-Time Manager by Loren B. Belker, Jim McCormick, and Gary S. Topchik - This is a book from my shelves that also fulfills a work book goal. It's less than 300 pages, but I've been tabbing and annotating. Maybe it's time to stop writing notes and just read the book. I don't plan to be a manager any time soon, so there's that. I can focus on this this weekend, when I get a second to read. We'll talk about that later.

A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas - This is the next book I'm furthest through. I'm about 35% through it and it is a quick read. It's easy reading and the plot moves fast. I should probably read another work book, but I don't think I could stand it. This one is from my shelves and I have less than 300 pages left.

Ok. I'm starting with this. I have found 3 possibilities for books to fulfill the work goal, but I want to hold each one in my hand and see which one will probably read the fastest. When I get through the ones listed above I will need 8 books to finish my 50-book challenge. One of those will be the work book, so 7 books. That is a future Adrienne problem. I'll tackle that problem next week.

This weekend. This weekend is a little crazy. I ring bells in church in the morning, so I will be at church from 7:30-12:30. I will probably nap in the afternoon to make up for not getting enough sleep Saturday night. I have dance that evening. Monday I have a therapy appointment and a nail appointment and then bell ringing in the evening. None of those activities are conducive to reading. We'll see what gets done. Sigh. Life is really getting in the way of my hobbies!