Friday Reads 12/15/2023

I think it's Friday. I think this, not because I have anything on my calendar that would confirm it for me. I think this because my hubby finished up his last testing of the year and is bringing home donuts.

Working on the assumption that it is in fact Friday, here is my planned reading for the next week.

A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas - I've been sick this week, but not so sick that I couldn't focus on a book. Therefore, I finished all but one of the books for my 50 books from my shelves challenge. So I decided I had enough time to go back to my previously started books. So, I dug up this one. I am now about 65% through it. I will probably finish it this weekend. That will wrap up my last challenge for 2023. Woot!

Persuasion by Jane Austen - I sort of abandoned this one when I realized I was in danger of not finishing my challenges. It doesn't count for a book from my shelves because I have read it before. It's not really on my TBR.

The Other Bennet Sister by Janice Hadlow - Since I haven't been going anywhere in the car, I haven't been listening to my audiobook. I realize I could listen at home, but usually my ears have other things to do. I am enjoying it, though.

Happy Place by Emily Henry - Here's a blast from the past. Since I'm trying to tie up loose ends, I might as well finish this one. I liked it when I was reading it, I just had more pressing things I needed to tackle.

And there you have it. I hope to be back to work next week, which will drastically reduce my reading time, but that's okay. I am no longer under pressure to meet goals.