February 2024 TBR

I learned some things in the last month, so this TBR will be a little different. I didn't read several of the books that were on my last month's list, and I added a whole bunch more. And since I have a whole bunch of library books checked out that I'm not putting on my TBR, I think I will have to keep that in mind. There are a few books I have earmarked for February, so here we go.

Midnight In Siberia: A Train Journey Into the Heart of Russia by David Greene - This is the next book on my 10 Oldest Books on My TBR list. I love Russia books. I've been fascinated with Russia ever since I saw White Nights as a kid. Also, I never pass up a good train journey.

Joy at Work: Organizing Your Professional Life by Marie Kondo - It's time to read this and return it to the library. I feel like I am pretty organized at work, but I would be open to learning new ways to organize. My home is a disaster, but my work space is pretty neat.

On a Sunbeam by Tillie Walden - There is a possibility I will finish this tonight, and putting it on this list is a moot point. That being said, I still have over 200 pages to go. It's a graphic novel, so it reads fast, but finishing it does depend on my family not needing me for a prolonged period of time this evening. Better safe than sorry.

The Guncle Abroad by Steven Rowley - This is the sequel to The Guncle that I loved so much a year or two ago. In this one, it's 5 years late and Patrick (the gay uncle/Guncle) is in Italy for his brother's wedding. Greg's two kids are there and they are not pleased about the proceedings. Patrick has been put in charge of the kids again and he's finding that their relationship has changed. I started this at lunch yesterday. It's a NetGalley eARC.

Funny Story by Emily Henry - I didn't love her last one, but I did love the 2 before that, so I'm willing to give this a try. It doesn't come out until April, but if I want to vote for it for Library Reads I will have to read it by March 1. It's primarily a romance, but Henry usually adds some other kind of meat to the story, to make the people more interesting. This is a NetGalley eARC.

The Great Divide by Cristina Henriquez - I didn't get to this in January and I still want to read it. I have high hopes that my other NetGalley books won't take long to read (famous last words) and I can start this one. This is the one about the building of the Panama Canal.

For those of you keeping track at home, only one of these books comes from my physical TBR. I am behind on reading books from my shelves. I've only read 2 so far. I think all the other books for this month need to come off my shelves. There are so many to choose from! I just have to decide what I feel like reading. The struggle is real.