January '24 Library Update

I have put off this post as long as possible. You will notice there was no Goodreads Update this month. That is because I actually did not add any books to my to-read list since the last update. Who is she? I don't know.

On the other hand, I went bananas with my library account. Here's what happened. First, I am doing a professional development class by reading a book about manga in libraries and discussing with the other teen librarians. The chapter I read last week had a list of manga recommended for libraries. Well, I found a bunch I was interested in and I ordered them. THEN, the Youth Media Awards were announced. That is when I went absolutely bonkers. There were 50. I ordered almost all of them. There were a couple I was really uninterested in, but I ordered the others. I currently have 18 books checked out and 25 on hold. I'll go as fast as I can.

Checked Out

On a Sunbeam by Tillie Walden - I finally got this in and I am the first person to read this copy! It smells so good. It's over 500 pages and I'm about halfway through. I'm enjoying it so far. This is not one of the ones I got from either of those two lists I mentioned.

Joy at Work by Marie Kondo - I have had this sitting on my couch for 2 weeks. It will probably end up on my February TBR. It's not very long, I just have to make time for it.

The Evil Secret Society of Cats by Pandania - This is really cute. Cats are all in a secret society that is focused on taking over the world by controlling humans. For instance, making them late to work by being cute. There is a superhero who is determined to defeat them. He is called Doggoman. He's completely smooth-brained. No thoughts. It's pretty funny. Definitely adorable. This was one of the books from the manga list.

Ok, so all the rest of the books are from the Youth Media Awards. I will Just post the pics. If any of them catch your eye, leave a comment and I'll give more info.


The Ladies Rewrite the Rules by Suzanne Allain - I really enjoyed this author's first book, Mr. Malcolm's List. This is a Regency romance so, of course, I requested it. Looks like this just came out and the library hasn't got their copies out, yet. I'm fourth on the waiting list.

Buffalo Fluffalo by Bess Kalb - Every week, the woman who purchases the children's books puts out an email with the recent haul. This one looked super cute, so I requested it.

Go Forth and Tell: The Life of Augut Baker, Librarian and Master Storyteller by Breanna J. McDaniel - This was also on the new books list. It's about a Librarian, so obviously I requested it.

Escaping Mr. Rochester by L.L. McKinney - Retelling of Jane Eyre by a black author with black main characters? Sign me up! This was on some list somewhere, but not the awards list. This one I found on my own. Sadly, I'm the only person on hold for it.

The 5 AM Club: Own Your Morning, Elevate Your Life by Robin Sharma - I am interested in this for sociological purposes. I don't think I will ever be the type to get up at 5 AM unless I have to catch a plane. I like being up before everyone else and enjoying the quiet. I don't love that I would have to be in bed before I even get off work some days to make getting up at 5 AM doable. But I like to hear about how it works for other people.

Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros - Officially this was on the Youth Media Awards list, but it is also on my to-read list. YA Fantasy about dragon riders. That's what I know. Some people love it. Some people hate it. It made the awards list. I'll give it a sniff.

Ok. All the following books are from the Youth Media Awards list. Again, if anything catches your fancy and you want more info, leave me a comment.

Whew! We're finally through the whole list!

Thank you for hanging out.