Friday Reads 2/16/2024

Honestly, not a lot has changed since my last Friday Reads post. Maybe a little. My reading has been pretty hit or miss lately. There were two days this week that I didn't read anything that wasn't on a screen.

The Guncle Abroad by Steven Rowley - I'm up to the 30% mark finally. I feel like it reads pretty quickly, if I would just sit down and focus on it for any length of time.

Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel - The print on this is pretty small and the pages are Bible thin. I read and read and read and feel like I haven't made any progress. It's fine. It's a long book. That's just how it is. I will probably not be finishing this by the end of February. Oh well.

Midnight In Siberia: A Train Journey Into the Heart of Russia by David Greene - This is the next book on my list of the 10 oldest books on my TBR. I love a good Siberia book. I'll start this after I finish The Guncle Abroad.

That's it. That's all I can tell you. Sunday is booked solid. It will be a miracle if I get to look at a book at all. Monday looks like a better chance for book time. I hope have a brain by Monday!