Friday Reads 2/23/2024

As there are only 6 days left of February, it's time to get serious about what I'm reading. Yesterday I looked at my TBR and realized I hadn't even started my book from my list of 10 oldest books. Drastic action must be taken.

Midnight In Siberia: A Train Journey Into the Heart of Russia by David Greene - I started this last night and blew through amost 50 pages in an hour. This guy Greene took a job as the Moscow director for NPR and he and his wife moved to Russia. After a couple of years, they came home. Then they moved back. Gluttons for punishment I guess. Anyway, on that second trip, he took a trip on the Trans-Siberian Railroad all the way across Russia. In the first chapter, he talks about a visit to Ukraine in 2014 when they were about to elect a new president who is very much like Putin in Russia. Wow.

Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel - I'm finally about halfway through this one. Tiny print and thin pages makes for a slow read. I'm really enjoying it. The main character is really interesting.

The Guncle Abroad by Steven Rowley - I feel like I would really like this if I had a chance to sit down and focus on it for a while. With a little here and a little there, while people are talking to me, I don't get very far. Then I have to remember where we are and what happened.

I decided to start the Siberia book in an attempt to finish it before March starts and I have to add another book from my 10 oldest books list. If Wolf Hall goes into March, it's fine. And The Guncle Abroad doesn't HAVE to be finished until March 31, so taking another couple of weeks to finish it won't be so bad.

It's fine, I'm fine, everything's fine.