Friday Reads 3/8/2024

It's Friday again. And it's March. I feel like the weeks are crawling, but the months are flying by. How is it almost the middle of March? Welp, let's talk about books!

The World's Strongest Librarian by Josh Hanagarne - This is about a guy who has Tourette Syndrome and is a librarian in Salt Lake City. Also, he is a weighlifter. He happens to be 6'7" tall. I've only read the intro and the first chapter. So far we've got his childhood onset of Tourette's symptoms and his infatuation with the library. It's less than 300 pages, and I figure it will go pretty quickly.

The Great Divide by Cristina Henriquez - I heard another podcast rave about this book, so I decided it will be my next Kindle book of lunchtime reading. So far we are meeting all the main players. It takes place in the early 1900s in Panama during the building of the Panama Canal. It begins after the U.S. has taken over the building of the Canal from the French who originally started it.

Escaping Mr. Rochester by L.L. McKinney - This gem is on its way to me as I type this. It is a YA retelling of Jane Eyre with black, queer characters. I may bump this up if it looks amazing.

And that is it for my Friday reads today. What are you reading?