Friday Reads 3/22/2024

I am having a low energy day. I woke up a lot last night and my tummy is unhappy this morning. So I am equal parts sleepy and in pain. Waah waah waah. Let's talk about books!

The Great Divide by Cristina Henriquez - Not that I actually got much chance to read this this week. Today is the first day I've been in the library before noon. That's not true, I did have a lunch break Tuesday and read a bit then. I am really enjoying it so far. Not a lot has happened. Or maybe it has, but we are following so many characters that I feel like not much has happened. It's definitely not a plot-driven book.

Everyone On This Train Is a Suspect by Benjamin Stevenson - I have actually laughed out loud at this one several times. Take this sentence: one writer is criticizing the narrator's writing, "'You use too many adverbs,' he said derisively." Yeah, I giggled at that one. It's a lot of fun.

Escaping Mr. Rochester by L.L. McKinney - I'm probably going to finish this, despite my qualms with it. I like the story itself, I just have problems with the "retelling" aspect of it. Is it really a retelling if you change everything but the names?

The Collectors by A.S. King - I have one more week before this book is due at the library, so I have to figure out how to parse out the stories. I am not great at reading a bunch of stories all at once. I get them mixed up. We shall see what happens. The first story was weird and great.

If I finish those last two books, I will have read everything on my March TBR! Who even am I? That's crazy. I must have planned really well.

What are you reading this weekend?