March 2024 Wrap Up pt. 2

Now that it is April, I can share the books I read in the second half of March. I don't have anything brilliant to say, so let's just get started.

The World's Strongest Librarian: A Memoir of Tourette's, Faith, Strength, and the Power of Family by Josh Hanagarne - This was ok. It was March's book from the 10 oldest books on my TBR. The author is a Librarian in Salt Lake City. He grew up Morman and was diagnosed with Tourette's in elementary school. His case is really bad. It can really disrupt his life. I mostly really liked the library stories. The tourette's stuff was difficult to read, but interesting. The weightlifting parts were not for me.

The Girl From the Other Side, Vol. 2 by Nagabe - I decided the story was intriguing enough to keep going. Shiva's aunt finally did come back for her. With a platoon of soldiers. They took her back to her home. Teacher is left alone and misses Shiva. Shiva misses Teacher but is happy to be home with her aunt. It's not the end of the story.

Saga, Vol. 5 by Brian K. Vaughan - There are basically 3 main storylines at this point. And as you can tell from the cover, they are all pretty weird.

Escaping Mr. Rochester by L.L. McKinney - I ended up giving this 4/5 stars. If you can get past the idea that this is billed as a retelling of Jane Eyre, and just enjoy the story that it is, it's actually pretty good. The only thing that is reminiscent of Jane Eyre is the character's names. That's it. Their personalities are different (but mostly in a good way). Their backgrounds are different. The basic plot points of the story are different. It's decidedly NOT Jane Eyre. Even calling it a "reimagining" of Jane Eyre is a disservice. It is engaging and I kept turning the pages, but I was still mad at it.

The Collectors edited by A.S. King - This collection of short stories was pretty good overall. As with any short story collection, I liked some stories better than others. Overall, I gave it 4/5 stars.

The Girl From the Other Side, Vol. 3 by Nagabe - Holy cow! The ending of this one was intense! Now what!?

Okay. That group of 6 makes a total of 11 books for March. I'm not hurt by that number. And I'm still on track to read all of my 10 Oldest Books, and I'm ahead of my goal to read 100 books. We won't talk about my goal to read 50 books from my shelves. I'm probably 8 books behind that goal. Oops.