Futuristic Reads

Today's Top Five Wednesday topic is Futuristic Reads. To find these books, I went to my Science Fiction shelf and picked books I've already read and liked. Narrowing it down to 5 was a struggle.

All Systems Red by Martha Wells - This one is about a robot known as a sec-unit. The robot has gained sentience and is trying to keep it a secret from its human counterparts. Mostly it just wants to watch the soap operas it downloads and be left alone. This series is hilarious.

Artemis by Andy Weir - This one is set on the moon. That counts as futuristic, right?

Lock In by John Scalzi - In this one, a virus has attacked the world, leaving its victims "locked in". They can hear and think, but they cannot respond. Technology has created a way for them to inhabit another body and go about their business. Some people are paid to be the vessels they move around in. Very weird.

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline - This one starts out in Oklahoma City in a high rise mobile home park where a young man lives most of his life online in the Oasis.

Sky Without Stars by Jessica Brody and Joanne Rendell - This is Les Miserables set in space. I loved the first book, but all the books are really long, so I haven't read on.

There are 5 futuristic books I've read. What have you read?