April '24 Goodreads Pt. 2

Since my last update I have added 10 books to my to-read list on Goodreads. This brings my total to 1051 books. I am fully aware that I will not read all these books before I die. I am dealing with this fact. But hey! Let's talk about all the new books I added to the list!

Between Two Trailers: A Memoir by J. Dana Trent - This kind of book is catnip for me. Whereas, in Educated Tara Westover describes her mentally ill parents who were ultra-religious doomsday preppers, Dana Trent's mentally ill parents are drug dealers. Really it could go either way. Trent managed to overcome her upbringing with a divinity degree from Duke.

Madness: Race and Insanity in a Jim Crow Asylum by Antonia Hylton - I can only imagine what kind of atrocities were committed here. I'll have to be in just the right mindset to tackle this one.

A History of the World in Twelve Shipwrecks by David Gibbins - I talked about this one last week in my Library update. I think this will be interesting. I enjoyed the Titanic exhibit where they showed the personal items of the various people on board. You really get a sense of a culture from what the people took on a trip. I wonder if anyone would be intrigued by my bag full of books that goes on every vacation.

The Life Brief: A Playbook for No-Regrets Living by Bonnie Wan - I have some doubt about the usefulness of all self-help books, but I'll give it a sniff.

A Dawn of Onyx by Kate Golden - A large part of my interest in this is the cover, but I have heard good things. The second in the series came out recently.

The Last Murder at the End of the World by Stuart Turton - Stuart Turton is one of those authors that I am sure I will love if ever I just read one of his books. This one is set in a post-apocalyptic world on an island that is the only place on Earth that is inhabitable. Then the murders started.

Bless Your Heart by Lindy Ryan - The Evans family runs the small-town Texas funeral home. But then one of the bodies comes back to life. Oh heck no! The Evanses have to fight the ancient vampires to save the town. It's like a cozy mystery/horror novel.

Ink Blood Sister Scribe by Emma Torzs - I have seen this come across my field of vision for a few years, but the most recent thing I saw said something about a magical library and suddenly I'm adding it to my list.

The Light at the End of the World by Siddhartha Deb - I'm beginning to see a trend: murder at the end of the world, light at the end of the world. Hmmm. The words I've gathered about this one are: 19th century, 20th century, near future Delhi, shadow government. Sounds fascinating.

The Secret Lives of Booksellers and Librarians: True Stories of the Magic of Reading by James Patterson and Matt Eversmann - I really hope this is good.

And that's it! Do any of these sound interesting to you? Let me know in the comments.