Friday Reads 5/9/2024

It's Friday. Once again. This week has been chaos. I've been busier than a moth in a mitten. I was looking at my calendar trying to see when I might get a break. It looks like it'll be another week. I get next Friday off, but I have to get up and get dental work done, so only partially a break. Gross.

Anyway, enough about me, let's talk about books. Specifically, what I'm reading. This weekend looks pretty busy. I will have some reading time Saturday evening (I think. With it being Mother's Day weekend, I have no idea what is being planned.) Sunday is pretty well booked solid. Monday is busy up til about 3:00. So there is some time that afternoon/evening unless I have to catch up on chores. Then it's back into the work week which drastically curtails my reading time. Darn job.

Anyway, here we go.

Empire of the Damned by Jay Kristoff - I am slowly nearing the end of this behemoth. I am 75% through it now. I want to say I will be able to finish it this next week, but I think not, if I'm being honest. I can usually only get about 20-30 pages a day in this one. It's pretty dense. But I'm getting there.

The Idiot by Fyodor Dostoyevsky - This is just a fun book. I mean, as far as Russian classics go. Prince Myshkin is our main character and everyone thinks he's an idiot (and aren't afraid to say so to his face), but really they are all just some of the worst people on Earth. I'm 20% through this one now, but we don't expect to be finished until the end of June. I'm reading this with the Read Well Podcast Book Club.

How to Take Smart Notes by Sonke Ahrens - I'm about 40% through this one. I'm reading, but I'm not really learning the details. So far the author has told us how NOT to take notes and how to approach reading for research, but I have yet to see any info on how to actually do the notes. There's a box for this kind of note, and box for this other kind of note, but I feel like I'm missing something. I'm hanging in there, though, in hopes that something will happen.

I haven't actually finished a book in weeks. I was 8 books ahead of my goal, but now I'm only 3 books ahead. If I actually finish a book before I'm behind, it will be a miracle. The thing is, I'm reading! I'm reading almost every day! I'm just not getting through these books! The note-taking book is short, but it's boring AF. I might get a lot more out of it if I just read it through.

Anyway, that's where we're at. Not much has changed. Carry on.