May 2024 Library Update

It is time once again to see what the heck is happening on my library account.


Simon Sort Of Says by Erin Bow - This is a Sequoyah Masterlist book I am reading to stay on top of those things. It's middle grade which is not my favorite. But here we are. It's about a boy whose family has moved him to a tiny town in Nevada that doesn't allow internet, cell phones, microwaves, or TV because they interfere with the radio array that is trying to pick up messages from space. Simon likes it because no one can Google him and find out why he went viral (in a bad way).


A History of the World in Twelve Shipwrecks by David Gibbens - I'm annoyed because this was not turned in soon enough for me to get it before I leave for vacation. It is now in transit, which means it will get here tomorrow or Friday. I will be long gone by then. Gr. I wanted to take it with me.

The City Tree by Shira Boss - This is a Sequoyah award nominee for a children's picture book award. I have read the other 4 books. I'm just waiting on this one. It was due last week.

Colton Gentry's Third Act by Jeff Zentner - This one is still on order. The library hasn't received it, yet. I loved Zentner's YA books, but this one is solidly an adult book. Also, it's about a country singer. Hm. We'll see how it goes. I'm first on the list!

Cat + Gamer, Vol. 5 by Wataru Nadetame - We already know how I feel about this series. This next installment comes out at the end of June. I'm 4th in line for this one.

The Reappearance of Rachel Price by Holly Jackson - Jackson is quickly becoming an auto-read author for me. In this YA mystery, we follow Bel who is 18 years old and ready to leave town and quit having people feel sorry for her because her mom disappeared 16 years ago. Much to her displeasure, her dad allows a true crime podcast to come and investigate the cold case (they were paying money.) Just as the podcast people are in the midst of their investigation, mom turns back up. What the heck? I'm number 25 on the hold list for this. It'll be a minute.